
A UsableItem is any item that can be triggered by the Use ability. The UsableItem will determine common use functionality such as the rate that the item is used or if the item uses an animation event to indicate that it is done being used.

The UsableItemAction comes with two ActionModuleGroups.

  1. Trigger: Used to define when the ability switched from start, use and complete often with animation events.
  2. Usable: Invokes an action at any step of the action as well as add conditions to prevent or force the action to start or stop.

The Item Action were built with modularity and flexibility in mind. Everything related to the if, when and how an item is used can be defined as ActionModules.

ActionModuleGroups are generic objects that only accepts a certain type of ActionModule. The common ActionModuleGroups for all UsableItemActions are the Trigger and Usable groups.

ActionModuleGroups can be thought of as a List<T> where T is a subset of ActionModule.
When pressing the ‘+’ button on the ModuleGroup a list of valid ModuleAction subtype will be available to choose from.
Making custom ActionModules is the best way to make your item do whatever you want. This usually works by inheriting interfaces. Learn more here.
For UsableActions you may find the full list of used interfaces in the IUsableActionModuleInterfaces script.
The UsableItem will call function on each ModuleGroup and those will return some data that can be used by the next module. For example the TriggerModule will return some TriggerData that the UsableModule (and other modules that come after it) can use to their advantage.
The TriggerData has a Force parameter that can be used while charging to fire a projectile or do a melee attack more or less hard.
Shootable, Melee, Throwable and Magic Actions are all UsableActions. They allow specific use cases with flexibility. But the UsableItemAction is already incredibly flexible on its own. An item doesn’t require to use one of those advanced ItemActions to Use items.
The flashlight in the demo scene is made just using a UsableAction without anything else
The normal flow of a UsableAction is as follows.
The TriggerModules are usually the ones that allow UsableItems to be used.

Trigger Modules

TriggerModules define how the UsableItem gets to start and stop. It usually uses an AnimatorAudioStateSet such that an animation can be played when triggered.

Although many TriggerModules can be added only one will be considered the “main” module. This is usually the first enabled module in the list.

When the UseAbility starts the item use, the item is used once and then stops.


The item continues to be used repeatedly at the use rate for as long as the use input is active.


The item will be used at a pre-defined set of times.


The item will be used once the use input is stopped. The charge time can be used to set a at a pre-defined set of times.

Simple Combo

Similar to Simple, but the use can chain after OnUseComplete rather than having to wait for the use stop. This module requires at least 2 states in the AnimatorAudioStateSet

Repeat Combo

Similar to Repeat, but the use can chain after OnUseComplete rather than having to wait for the use stop.

In Air

Similar to Simple, but can only be used while in air.

Usable Modules

The UsableModules are used to invoke function when starting, using, completing and/or stopping the item use. But it can do so much more.

It is highly recommended you create your own custom Modules.
The main UsableModules are below.
To find the full list of usable modules go to your IDE (example Visual Studio) and find all class that inherit the ActionModule class.
Generic Item Effects

The Generic Item Effects module can run sub-effects when an item is used, completed or updated.

Active States

Activate or deactivate states while the item is equipped or being used.

Use Attribute

Use an attribute on the character when the item is used.

Character Use Attribute

Use an attribute on the item when the item is used.

Use Attribute Modifier Toggle

Used to modify an attribute when and/or while an item is used. It can be used to prevent the item from being used if the attribute is invalid. It also enables or disables a GameObjects depending if the item is being used or not.

Module State Switcher

Used for looping through a list of state options with always one selected.

This module can be used to switch between what modules are activated by using states to enable/disable states.
Enable Can Start Use

Have a boolean to prevent the item from being used. It could be linked to a state or manually toggled in code.

Inspected Fields

In addition to the ModuleGroups the Usable Item Action does have its own fields.

Use Rate

The amount of time that must elapse before the item can be used again.

Face Target

Should the character rotate to face the target during use?

Stop Use Ability Delay

The amount of extra time it takes for the ability to stop after use. This is useful for preventing the item from immediately going back to the idle state after hip firing.

Use Event

Specifies if the item should wait for the OnAnimatorItemUse animation event or wait for the specified duration before being used. This field uses an Animation Event Trigger.

Use Complete Event

Specifies if the item should wait for the OnAnimatorItemUseComplete animation event or wait for the specified duration before completing the use. This field uses an Animation Event Trigger.

Force Root Motion Position

Does the item require root motion position during use?

Force Root Motion Rotation

Does the item require root motion rotation during use?