Third Person Top Down

The Top Down view type allows the camera to be placed in a top down perspective with the character in view. The Top Down movement type should be used in conjunction with this view type.

Inspected Fields

Look Direction Distance

The distance that the character should look ahead.

Forward Axis

The forward axis that the camera should adjust towards.

Up Axis

The up axis that the camera should adjust towards.

Rotation Speed

The speed at which the camera rotates to face the character.

Min Pitch Limit

The minimum pitch angle (in degrees).

Max Pitch Limit

The maximum pitch angle (in degrees).

Collision Radius

The radius of the camera’s collision sphere to prevent it from clipping with other objects.

View Distance

The distance to position the camera away from the anchor.

View Step

The number of degrees to adjust if the anchor is obstructed by an object.

Move Smoothing

The amount of smoothing to apply to the movement. Can be zero.

Vertical Look Direction

Should the look direction account for vertical offsets? This is only used when the mouse is visible.

Allow Dynamic Camera Rotation

Can the camera dynamically rotate when a state has been changed?

Desired Angle

The desired angle if the camera is dynamically rotating.

Change Angle Speed

The speed at which the camera rotates if it is dynamically rotating.

Rotation Transition Curve

The curved used by the dynamic camera rotation.

Allow Dynamic Pitch Adjustment

Can the camera dynamically change pitch when a state has been changed?

Desired Pitch

The desired pitch if the camera is dynamically rotating.

Change Pitch Speed

The speed at which the camera changes pitch if it is dynamically adjusting the pitch.

Use Independent Pitch Translation

Is a separate Animation curve required for pitch adjustment, if not, the rotation transition will be used.

Pitch Transition Curve

The curved used by the dynamic camera pitch change.

Allow Dynamic Distance Adjustment

Can the camera dynamically change distance when a state has been changed?

Desired Distance

The desired distance if the camera is dynamically adjusting distance.

Change Distance Speed

The speed at which the camera changes pitch if it is dynamically changing the distance.

Use Independent Distance Translation

Is a separate Animation curve required for distance adjustment, if not, the rotation transition will be used.

Distance Transition Curve

The curved used by the dynamic camera distance change.

Secondary Position Spring

The positional spring which returns to equilibrium after a small amount of time (for recoil).

Secondary Rotation Spring

The rotational spring which returns to equilibrium after a small amount of time (for recoil).