Third Person

The Third Person view type is an abstract view type that will move the camera in the direction of the input mapped to the camera. The view type will orbit around the character while always have the character in view, making sure no objects obstruct the view. The spring system can also be used for things such as recoil or camera shakes.

Inspected Fields

Look Direction Distance

The distance that the character should look ahead.

Look Offset

The offset between the anchor and the camera.

Look Offset Smoothing

The amount of smoothing to apply to the look offset. Can be zero.

Forward Axis

The forward axis that the camera should adjust towards.

Field Of View

The field of view of the main camera.

Field Of View Damping

The damping time of the field of view angle when changed.

Collision Radius

The radius of the camera’s collision sphere to prevent it from clipping with other objects.

Collision Anchor Offset

The offset from the anchor position when determining if there is a collision.

Position Smoothing

The amount of smoothing to apply to the position. Can be zero.

Obstruction Position Smoothing

The amount of smoothing to apply to the position when an object is obstructing the target position. Can be zero.

Update Character Rotation

Should the rotation of the character be updated? Set to false to prevent the camera from rotating with the character.

Align To Gravity Rotation Speed

The lerping speed when determining the align to gravity character rotation.

Min Pitch Limit

The minimum pitch angle (in degrees).

Max Pitch Limit

The maximum pitch angle (in degrees).

Position Spring

The positional spring used for regular movement.

Rotation Spring

The rotational spring used for regular movement.

Secondary Position Spring

The positional spring which returns to equilibrium after a small amount of time (for recoil).

Secondary Rotation Spring

The rotational spring which returns to equilibrium after a small amount of time (for recoil).

Step Zoom Input Name

The name of the step zoom input mapping.

Step Zoom Sensitivity

Specifies how quickly the camera zooms when step zooming.

Min Step Zoom

The minimum distance that the step zoom can zoom.

Max Step Zoom

The maximum distance that the step zoom can zoom.