
The jump ability adds a force to the character in the vertical direction. The jump ability is only active when the character has a positive vertical velocity – when the character has a negative vertical velocity the fall ability will activate. The ability has the option of continuously adding forces for as long as the jump button is held down. It also allows the character to perform a double (or triple, or quadruple) jump by adding a vertical force each time the jump button is pressed and the ability is active.


  1. Select the + button in the ability list under the “Abilities” foldout of the Ultimate Character Locomotion component.
  2. Add the Jump ability. This ability should be located above the fall ability.
  3. If you are using a full body character no extra setup is required – when the Jump button is pressed the jump ability will start. If you are using a first person character with no body then you will need to adjust the Jump Event to not use an animation event and instead use a timer.

Inspected Fields

Require Grounded

Does the character need to be on the ground in order to jump?

Min Ceiling Jump Height

Prevents the jump ability from starting if there is an object above the character within the specified distance. Set to -1 to disable.

Grounded Grace Period

The amount of time after the character is airborne that the character can still jump. Also known as coyote time. Set to -1 to allow for the character to jump at any time after being airborne.

Prevent Slope Limit Jump

Should the jump be prevented when the character is on a slope greater than the slope limit?


The amount of force that should be applied when the character jumps. This force is added only once when the ability starts. Set to -1 to allow for the character to jump at any time after being airborne.

Sideways Force Multiplier

A multiplier applied to the force while moving sideways. This multiplier is only applied to the initial jump force.

Backwards Force Multiplier

A multiplier applied to the force while moving backwards. This multiplier is only applied to the initial jump force.


The number of frames that the force is applied in. The larger the value the less of an immediate effect there will be on the initial jump force.

Force Damping

Determines how quickly the jump force wears off.

Jump Event

Specifies if the ability should wait for the OnAnimatorStartJump animation event or wait the specified amount of time before starting to jump. If you’d like the Jump ability apply a force immediately without playing a starting jump animation then the Wait for Animation Event toggle should be deselected and the Duration should be 0.

Jump Surface Impact

The Surface Impact triggered when the character jumps.

Force Hold

The amount of force to add per frame if the jump button is being held down continuously. This is a common feature for providing increased jump control in platform games.

Force Damping Hold

Determines how quickly the jump hold force wears off.

Max Repeated Jump Count

Specifies the number of times the character can perform a repeated jump (double jump, triple jump, etc). Set to -1 to allow an infinite number of repeated jumps.

Repeated Jump Force

The amount of force applied when the character performs a repeated jump.

Repeated Jump Frames

The number of frames that the repeated jump force is applied in. The larger the value the less of an immediate effect there will be on the initial jump force.

Upward Velocity Stop Threshold

A vertical velocity value below the specified amount will stop the ability.

Recurrence Delay

The number of seconds that the jump ability has to wait after it can start again (includes repeated jumps).