
The Ride ability works with the Rideable ability to allow an Ultimate Character Controller character to ride on top of another Ultimate Character Controller character. The classic example of this is a humanoid character riding a generic horse – they both use the same underlying locomotion controller but use different Movement Types and abilities to allow one character to ride on top of another.

To keep the animations synchronized it is important that for any active abilities on the Ride character the Rideable ability should also have those abilities. For example, if the Speed Change ability has been added to the Rideable character with a Speed Multiplier of 3 then the Speed Change ability on the Ride character should also have a Speed Multiplier of 3.


  1. Select the + button in the ability list under the “Abilities” foldout of the Ultimate Character Locomotion component on the character that you want to be able to ride on top of another character.
  2. Add the Ride ability. This ability should be positioned near the top of the list so it will override any abilities beneath it.
  3. Select the + button in the ability list under the “Abilities” foldout of the Ultimate Character Locomotion component on the character that you want to be able to be ridden by another character.
  4. Add the Rideable ability. This ability should be positioned near the bottom of the list so other abilities will be able to control the animator.
  5. Setup the Move Towards Location on the Rideable character. These locations are the locations that the ride character can mount onto the rideable character from. The Ride ability supports start locations on the left and right side of the Rideable character.
  6. Set the Ride Location on the Rideable ability. This is the object that the Ride character will be move to after mounting.

Inspected Fields

Mount Event

Specifies if the ability should wait for the OnAnimatorMount animation event or wait for the specified duration before mounting to the rideable object.

Move Speed

The speed at which the character moves towards the ride location.

Rotation Speed

The speed at which the character rotates towards ride location.

Dismount Event

Specifies if the ability should wait for the OnAnimatorDismount animation event or wait for the specified duration before dismounting from the rideable object.

Reequip Item After Mount

After the character mounts should the ability reequip the item that the character had before mounting?