Detect Object Ability Base
The Detect Object Ability Base ability is an abstract class designed for any ability that needs another object to start. This includes abilities such as picking up an object, vaulting, climbing, interacting, etc. This ability doesn’t do anything besides detect when an object can be interacted with by the character. The ability can filter the found objects using the Object Identifier component.
Inspected Fields
Object Detection
The mask which specifies how the ability should detect other objects.
- Trigger: Use a trigger to detect if the character is near an object
- Charactercast: Use the character controllers to do a cast in order to detect if the character is near an object.
- Raycast: Use a raycast to detect if the character is near an object.
- Spherecast: Use a spherecast to detect if the character is near an object.
- Customcast: The ability will perform its own custom cast.
Multiple values can be selected, though in most cases just the Trigger or Charactercast options will be sufficient.
Detect Layers
The LayerMask of the object or trigger that should be detected.
Use Look Position
Should the detection method use the Look Source position? If false the character position will be used.
Use Look Direction
Should the detection method use the Look Source direction? If false the character direction will be used.
Angle Threshold
The maximum angle that the character can be relative to the forward direction of the object.
Object ID
The unique ID value of the Object Identifier component. A value of -1 indicates that this ID should not be used.
Cast Distance
The distance of the cast. Used if the Object Detection Mode is set to anything other then a Trigger detection mode.
Cast Frame Interval
The number of frames that should elapse before another cast is performed. A value of 0 will allow the cast to occur every frame.
Cast Offset
The offset applied to the raycast or spherecast.
Trigger Interaction
Specifies if the cast should interact with triggers.
Spherecast Radius
The radius of the spherecast.
Max Trigger Object Count
The maximum number of valid triggers that the ability can detect.
Move With Object
Should the character move with the detected object?