Third Person Look At

The Third Person Look At view type will orient the camera so it is looking at the target. If no target is specified the camera will look towards the character’s pivot position. This view type is useful for the death camera showing the character’s ragdoll reacting to the physics forces or the death animation playing.

Inspected Fields


The object to look at. If this value is null then the character’s transform will be used.


The offset relative to the character.

Min Look Distance

The minimum distance away from the target that the camera should move towards.

Max Look Distance

The maximum distance away from the target that the camera should move towards.

Move Speed

The speed at which the camera should move.

Collision Radius

The radius of the camera’s collision sphere to prevent it from clipping with other objects.

Rotational Lerp Speed

The speed at which the view type should rotate towards the target rotation.

Rotation Spring

The spring used for applying a rotation to the camera.