First Person Transform Look

The First Person Transform Look ViewType is a first person view type that will move and rotate according to the specified Transform. This view type is most useful for when the first person character dies and the camera should look from the perspective of the character (such as the head).

Inspected Fields

Move Target

The object that determines the position of the camera.

Rotation Target

The object that determines the rotation of the camera.


The offset relative to the move target.

Collision Radius

The radius of the camera’s collision sphere to prevent it from clipping with other objects

Move Speed

The speed at which the camera should move.

Rotation Lerp Speed

The speed at which the view type should rotate towards the target rotation.

Restrict Pitch

Should the pitch be restricted? If false the pitch can be changed by the player.

Min Pitch Limit

The minimum pitch angle (in degrees), used if the pitch is not restricted.

Max Pitch Limit

The maximum pitch angle (in degrees), used if the pitch is not restricted.

Restrict Yaw

Should the yaw be restricted? If false the yaw can be changed by the player.