Shop Menu

The Shop Menu is used to allow player to buy and sell items from a Shop. Create a Shop Menu with the UI Designer Shop tab. See this page for more information about the Shop component.

It uses the following components:

  • Inventory: The Inventory is the client inventory (the player).
  • Shop: The Shop component takes care of all the logic for Buying and Selling. As well as what Item can be bought and sold.
  • Inventory Grid: The Inventory Grid displays the Items To Buy and Sell.
  •  Multi Currency View: The Multi Currency View shows the total price of the item defined by the Shop.
  • Quantity Picker Panel: The Quantity Picker Panel lets the user choose the amount to buy/sell.

The Shop component can be set directly next to the Shop Menu, or it can be set through code, allowing multiple shops in the game to use the same UI. The easiest way to do so is by using a “Shop Menu Opener” component.