UI Designer

UI Designer is used to create all UI related to the Inventory System. Our goal is to allow our users to create any kind of inventory for their game. The User Interface is a big part of what makes an inventory unique so we came up with a new UI solution which should allow you to create very distinct inventory UIs in just a few clicks. That is possible thanks to our UI Designer schemas, which are Scriptable Objects that have a collection of prefabs and assets used to create your UI in the editor.

This page explains in more detail about the UI Designer schemas.

Our UI solution is extremely modular, flexible and extensible. But that also comes with a lot of small components which could have been slightly hidden. That’s why we made UI Designer, to have all tools necessary to create your very own UI directly in the editor with shortcuts to create, find and edit your Inventory UI.

We understand that some of you will want to create your own UI, that’s why you can pick and choose the components you want to use. The inventory system is independent from the UI so you may choose to not use it at all.

Getting Started

Important : Before Using the UI Designer you should set up the Inventory Database you plan to use and reference it in the Main manager Setup tab.

The first step to use the UI Designer is to create the Canvas Managers from the Tools -> Opsive -> Ultimate Inventory System -> UI Designer menu option. In the Setup tab under the “Create Canvas Managers” Click “Setup”, This will spawn the canvas and manager scripts required by the UI system.

Then under the UI Designer Schema section select a schema you like and duplicate it by pressing “Duplicate”. You won’t be able to use UI Designer until you duplicate the schema. This is to make sure that you will have your very own collection of prefabs in case you make changes.

Once you have duplicated the schema press the big “Spawn In Scene” button to quickly setup a basic menu for the schema. From there the other tabs will be available to you and you may use them to create, find and edit your UI.

Important: Note the little question mark and the magnifying glass in the top right of most of the UI Designer sub menus. These are used to direct you to the relevant documentation, and select the relevant component in the scene hierarchy.

Most tabs are separated in two parts: Create and Edit.
In the Create section it is required to specify where the UI should be spawned by selecting a Parent Transform. Most times the creator comes with some options that will determine the prefabs/assets in the schema used to create the object.

The Edit section has a very handy “Find Available Targets in Scene” button. You may also select component by dragging it in the field.
Once an object is targeted the edit options will appear, giving you information about your UI and allowing you to edit it.