Conditional Evaluator
The Conditional Evaluator task will evaluates the specified conditional task. If the conditional task returns success then the child task is run and the child status is returned. If the conditional task does not return success then the child task is not run and a failure status is immediately returned.
In this example the conditional task specified by the Conditional Evaluator returns success so the Wait task doesn’t get the chance to execute.
The Bool Comparison task is specified for the example above and the two bools are opposite values so the conditional task returns failure.
For this example the conditional task specified by the Conditional Evaluator succeeds so the child Wait task is run. As soon as Wait completes it returns success and the Conditional Evaluator then returns success as well.
This is a similar situation as the previous example except instead of the child returning success it returns failure. This causes the Conditional Evaluator to also return failure after Wait has ran.