
Action tasks are designed to change the game state in some way. This can be simple as an Idle or Wait task or something more intricate such as determining which weapon should be equipped based on a variety of factors. Actions can return a task status of running, success, or failure. Action tasks cannot be reevaluated with Conditional Aborts – this is reserved for Conditional tasks.

When Behavior Designer adds an Action task it will add the Stacked Action task. This task allows you to add multiple tasks within the same node. This is mostly for convenience and within the Stacked Action you can specify if the stacked tasks should be traversed using a Sequence or Selector logic. If the task implements the Action class then the task can be stacked.

Actions can also be independent such as this Wait task. All Entity tasks must be independent, or GameObject tasks can implement the ActionNode class to prevent stacking. If the task has a green border then it is an Entity task and takes uses the DOTS implementation.