Finger Indicator

The Finder Indicator ability will set an animator parameter which plays an animation depending on the state of the finger for each hand. This ability is designed for a first person perspective with two handed tracking headsets. The Finger Indicator ability will always be active and it will continuously update the Hand State Index and Hand Grip Strength Animator parameters. These parameters are unique VR parameters that are only on the VR hand Animators. If you are creating your own Animator Controller for your VR hands ensure you have added these parameters:

The following finger states map to the Hand State Index parameter values:

Finger StateHand State Index
Hand Resting, Thumb Resting, Index Resting000
Hand Resting, Thumb Resting, Index Extended001
Hand Resting, Thumb Resting, Index Contracted002
Hand Resting, Thumb Extended, Index Resting010
Hand Resting, Thumb Extended, Index Extended011
Hand Resting, Thumb Extended, Index Contracted012
Hand Contracted, Thumb Resting, Index Resting200
Hand Contracted, Thumb Resting, Index Extended201
Hand Contracted, Thumb Resting, Index Contracted202
Hand Contracted, Thumb Extended, Index Resting210
Hand Contracted, Thumb Extended, Index Extended211
Hand Contracted, Thumb Extended, Index Contracted212


  1. Select the + button in the ability list under the “Abilities” foldout of the Ultimate Character Locomotion component.
  2. Add the “VR/Finger Indicator” ability. This ability should be positioned at the bottom of the ability list.
  3. Ensure your hand Animator Controllers contain the Hand State Index int parameter and the Hand Grip Strength float parameter.

Inspected Fields

Slot ID

The slot that should be used.


The prefix of the event and input strings.


Specifies the input mapping for all of the possible finger indicators.