Deathmatch Agent

The Deathmatch AI Agent inherits from the AI Agent component and adds the ability to detect any targets as well as keep a list of available weapons. Any weapon that the agent can use should be added to this Available Weapons list. The behavior tree tasks will use this list to determine which weapon is best for the current situation.

Inspected Fields

Pause on Death

When the agent dies should the behavior tree be paused instead of disabled?

Add to Team

Should the DeathmatchAgent add the agent to a team?

Team Index

If Add To Team is enabled, specifies the team that the agent should be added to.

Max Collider Count

The maximum number of colliders that the character can detect.

Look Transform

Optionally specify a transform to determine where to check the line of sight from.

Target Bone

If the sight check locates a humanoid, specify the bone that the agent should look at.

Distance Score Weight

The amount of weight to apply to the distance when determining which target to attack score. The higher the value the more influence the distance has.

Angle Score Weight

The amount of weight to apply to the angle when determining which target to attack score. The higher the value the more influence the angle has.

Available Weapons

All possible weapons that the agent can carry. Each weapon has the following fields:

  • Item Definition: The Ultimate Character Controller ItemDefinition.
  • Class: Specifies the type of weapon.
  • Use Likelihood: A curve describing how likely an item can be used at any distance. The higher the value the more likely that item will be used.
  • Min Use Distance: The minimum distance that the item can be used.
  • Max Use Distance: The maximum distance that the item can be used.
  • Group Damage: Can the weapon damage multiple targets in one hit?