Recent content by Flamehead

  1. Flamehead

    Spline Move Ability

    Perfect, thanks for the helpful response Christian!
  2. Flamehead

    Changing Transform of Character

    Awesome, thanks Christian! Very helpful response!
  3. Flamehead

    Changing Transform of Character

    In the Malbers Controller, he uses a glide system that changes the transform of the character from the usual feet location to an empty object located at the hips. He does this so that the rotational pivot point is at the hips instead of the feet. This goes in conjunction with my other post on...
  4. Flamehead

    Spline Move Ability

    I've been experimenting with splines and was wondering how we could override the Transform control that the UCC has on the player and use a spline to move a character as an ability? I assume this would work similarly to a moving platform concept but just move the character along a spline. I'm...
  5. Flamehead

    Animation Curve Issue

    Ok cool. I figured out it was an issue with one animation clip and having Loop Pose checked even with a green light over loop time. It was squishing the AnimationCurve with loop pose checked for some reason and making it do something weird.
  6. Flamehead

    Animation Curve Issue

    Ok. When you made the LegIndex for Nolan, is that referenced anywhere in the UCC scripts, or is that solely on the animation and only be read by the animator controller for animator transitions? No ability or any script reference to that animator float?
  7. Flamehead

    Apply/Update Position

    Thanks for the reply. Can you explain the differences and uses for AbilityMotor, MoveDirection (Which is a directional vector but not real sure how to use it with these other Vector3's), MotorThrottle, and any others that have to do with position? I've looked through the documentation and...
  8. Flamehead

    Animation Curve Issue

    I have put an animation curve onto an animation clip, similar to LegIndex which is used on Nolan. I'm getting a strange behavior on the actual float that is being read. I have a curve that is going from 0 to 1 pretty quickly however the Animator float isn't reading the curves numbers properly...
  9. Flamehead

    Apply/Update Position

    Thanks buddy this was helpful! Gonna give it another go with this.
  10. Flamehead

    Apply/Update Position

    I'm trying to build an ability that will have an effect on the player's position. So I've started with a super simple example to get things working and so far it's not working. I placed the character at world position (0, 0, 0) and wrote the following code grabbing the m_Transform.position from...
  11. Flamehead

    Raycast Ability

    Perfect, thank you!
  12. Flamehead

    Raycast Ability

    I'm building multiple abilities that have AbilityStart logic that is reliant on raycast hit information. I need these raycasts to run before the other abilities because they tell the latter abilities if they can start. The only idea I had was to create a concurrent state that was active all of...
  13. Flamehead

    Problem with stopping an ability with Button Down

    How would you implement a map system if you weren't using the ability system? If the player was to open a map, I assume you'd want player input into the UCC to be disabled while still being able to control the UI.
  14. Flamehead

    Disable UCL

    Is there a way to disable the Ultimate Character Locomotion script so that I can move the character through other methods while the camera still follows the character and doesn't cause issues when re-enabling the UCL script?
  15. Flamehead

    Animator Motion

    I have disabled both root motion position and rotation and I'm still not getting my character to rotate. What else could it be? Is there any way to make the curves respond logically in meters? If I add a curve on the position y axis that goes from (0,0 seconds) to (1,1 second), my character...