Spline Move Ability


I've been experimenting with splines and was wondering how we could override the Transform control that the UCC has on the player and use a spline to move a character as an ability? I assume this would work similarly to a moving platform concept but just move the character along a spline. I'm wanting to create a zipline mechanic/ability. I just need to be able to override the UCL scripts control over the transform so that the spline's position and rotation information can be applied to my character and then after the zipline has finished the UCL script takes back control.

Right now I just want to work on getting UCL to be ok with the spline movement so I really just need to know how to get UCL to allow positional and rotation movement outside of its usual logic or disable it completely as there will be no player input during this zipline ability.

Currently... I can achieve what I want by disabling the UCL script, activating the spline controller to move the character, and reactivating the UCL script once the player has reached the end location. Obviously, this isn't the right way to go about it but at least we know it's possible and that UCL doesn't have issues with losing the players location or teleporting the player back to the start spot so that's good.
You can use the MoveWithObject ability for this. You need and empty game object that is moved along your spline. Then your own ability has to move the character to the correct start position, and the set the empty game object as target on the MoveWithObject ability.