Changing Transform of Character


In the Malbers Controller, he uses a glide system that changes the transform of the character from the usual feet location to an empty object located at the hips. He does this so that the rotational pivot point is at the hips instead of the feet. This goes in conjunction with my other post on splines and creating a zip line mechanic. Is it possible to move the transform of the character control to an empty object that is located at the hands of my player (in a hanging animation). This way when the player is rotated, they are rotated at the hands instead of the feet? This would allow for natural swing type rotation.
UCC always uses the feet as root for the movement. You can use the MoveWithObject ability with an empty game object moving your character, and this game object is child of another game object which can be rotated. Still, you can't change the root for animations.
The agility pack shows moves the character root in the usual way, and uses hand IK to position the hands. It also uses animation clips for a kind of swinging. You can try the demo here:

The hanging demo has a jump from one bar to the other using animation clips.