Items and character question


New member
hi everybody!

I just have a few (probably) simple questions. I'm working in hdrp and have a few problems. All items and character are demo material included in ufps (Nolan and stuff) and i'm working with pun add-on
- 3rd person weapons are not visible (character is animated, shooting with muzzle flashes and all but appears empty handed in game (first person view is ok))

- I've changed grenade model only, on first person items, pickup item... still when throw animation triggers it changes to default orange grenade?
what model is used by anim event in first person? (I changed all grenade prefabs and yet char throws orange grenade model)

- how do u edit item state presets (sniper aim for example) at runtime?

thanks in advance!

edit01: grenade throw solved! (was using wrong prefab), now I can't find the timer? grenade explodes way to fast by default.
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there's two more questions I have that I really can't figure out by myself:

-I only see shotgun in 3rd person view (over network) but no other weapon? can't find the difference in settings...

-where/which script does override fraggranade layer from default to subcharacter (it's the only item that gets overriden)
because that's the reason I don't se trajectory curve

edit: item layer in animator on Nolan is missing from the list, is that the reason 3rd person items are invisible?
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-I only see shotgun in 3rd person view (over network) but no other weapon? can't find the difference in settings...
I'm not sure but my guess is that the other weapons are not equipping.

-where/which script does override fraggranade layer from default to subcharacter (it's the only item that gets overriden)
because that's the reason I don't se trajectory curve
You can specify which layer the grenade changes to on the ThrowableItem component.
tnx for your help:) asset in general is really superb, it's just hard to find stuff if you aren't the creator;)

I'm watching Third Person Item Creation video but item layer is missing, is it arms layer instead?
it doesn't work, something is overriding primaryfraggrenade object to subcharacter layer on play no matter the settings in throwableitem
I'm watching Third Person Item Creation video but item layer is missing, is it arms layer instead?
Ah, yes, the animator now just has the arms layer.

it doesn't work, something is overriding primaryfraggrenade object to subcharacter layer on play no matter the settings in throwableitem
If the PrimaryFragGrenade has a collider then the character locomotion will change the layer to SubCharacter so it doesn't cause collision problems with the locomotion. This is ok though - this object isn't actually thrown and the thrown prefab will have the set layers by the throwable item. If you equip just the grenade in the demo scene you can see how this works.
Ok I understand. the only problem because of this is that trajectory is only visible in editor. and when u say that object isn't actually thrown I have a new problem now. I actually see both hands when I throw a grenade: the one that is thrown and for a second I can see the arm with grenade that isn't thrown at the same time. Might just have to reimport everything and start from scratch. and the problem with invisible third person weapons is still there. funny, it also happens in new project out of the box (demo scene) with everything imported fresh and with standard pipeline.
at this point I have no idea what to do to fix this.
I'm not completely following - can you describe in more detail how I can reproduce it within the demo scene from a fresh project?
my mistake, I tried again in standard and it works (grenade and trajectory) I only have problems in hdrp (possibly layer problem), but invisible 3d person weapons are still a problem. only shotgun can be seen even in standard rp. I can give you screen shots of certain scripts settings if u want, but I compare everything with demo scene and everything appears to be the same. must be missing something...
HDRP currently isn't supported - it's changing too much and still in preview mode so I am waiting to add support until it is officially released.
as far as I understand layers are a bit different, apart from that I only changed shaders and everything else works exactly the same. even with two cameras I just had to change few things and sniper scope rt works just fine. post processing too. as far as changing pipelines, I totally agree. they change way too many features almost in every version. I started my game with ufps1 and because of hdrp went with complete overhaul with ufps2.
it's frustrating to say the least
that's how it looks. I don't know why. 3d person rendered items are setup the same as in demo.
shotgun is the only visible, but i can't find the difference


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and that's the trajectory situation. if a change layer to default on items-primaryfraggrenade at runtime then I see line renderer


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solved the invisible weapons. all 3rd person weapon groups were subcharacter layer and all sub game objects too, except for shotgun. so I changed all top groups to subcharacter and all parented objects (clips, guns...) to default. now they show in game:)
Glad you got it working! I'm actually surprised that you got the first person weapons rendering correctly with HDRP. Are you modifying the stencil buffer?
hey again

i created my own fps hands and added everything to my character rig, first person items group with same layout as nolan demo (fps arms, left and right too). all the scripts and everything works fine except for the bow. i don't understand bow system. there only seems to be arrow attachment on nolan and no visible item bow anywhere in hierarchy? how does that work? when i switch to bow it gets stuck (and it's invisible )and i get two errors.
can't find a fix for the life of me:\


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