Version 3.0.2 of the Ultimate Character Controller is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store. If you are upgrading from version 2 be sure to read the version 3 migration guide.

Manual Change: A new button mapping has been added for improved controller input smoothing. If you are using the Input Manager the new button mapping must be added. You can add the button mapping by selecting “Add Buttons and Layers” within the Project tab.

This version contains the following changes:

  • Fixed setup button mappings button from not adding all of the demo button mappings.
  • Fixed CharacterBuilder from not adding the CharacterFootEffects component when Foot Effects is enabled.
  • Fixed Atlas from not playing any footstep effects.
  • Fixed SimulationManager from not being reinitialized correctly when fast enter playmode is enabled.
  • Fixed exceptions within MaterialSwapper when fast enter playmode is enabled.
  • Fixed state system from not automatically detecting parent ICharacter GameObjects.
  • Updated the Input System integration.