Version 3.0.14 of the Ultimate Character Controller is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store. If you are upgrading from version 2 be sure to read the version 3 migration guide.
This version contains the following changes:
- CharacterLocomotion now implements IForceObject.
- Improved controller collisions.
- Added m_DisableColliderOnImpact to the projectile instead of trajectory object.
- Added a condition to not register for events while in the editor within the Item Set Manager Base.
- Added a null check for retrieving category names.
- Fixed objects from not initializing with the correct simulation index.
- Fixed TrajectoryObject from not retrieving the first hit object.
- Fixed ShouldBlockAbilityStart null ability when the ability is stopped within a nested TryStopAbility method.
- Fixed CapsuleColliderPositioner from not always repositioning correctly on terrain.
- Updated the following integrations:
- A* Pathfinding Project
- Behavior Designer
- NWH Vehicle Physics
- Ultimate Inventory System