Version 2.4.1 of the Ultimate Character Controller is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store.

Required Changes: If you are updating from a version prior to version 2.4 the Opsive/UltimateCharacterController and Opsive/Shared folder must be removed before updating to this version. This version changes the location of many files and a complete reimport is necessary. Be sure you have made a backup before removing the folders.

This version contains the following changes:

  • Added the character controller installer.
  • Top Down View Type can dynamically adjust the pitch and distance (thanks DankP3).
  • By default the AudioConfig will copy the AudioSource properties if one exists.
  • Fixed pitch property from being set to the volume value.
  • Fixed flashlight animator idle state transition.
  • Fixed AI characters from registering twice with the Kinematic Object Manager after being reenabled.