Ultimate Steamworks Networking - Assets Project (Fish-Net, Mirror and Netcode)

Hi how are you?
I crossed my old client-side prediction and server reconciliation system with my new rollback system and it is just perfect!
I just received the latest version of steamworks, must have it integrated to go to the AssetStore!
Seen you soon!
Awesome! Doing great, have taken a break from my project, waiting for your asset. Playing a "little" Baldurs Gate 3 in the meantime :p
Can anyone give us an exact or approximate date of the publication date of the new dedicated server integration?
Hi everyone, how are you?
It seemed to me that there was a network manager in Steamworks but no actually.
I still need to see some details and I upload it to the Asset Store.
I haven't added everything I wanted on the network manager but I will do it later by adding several demo scenes, but the base is ready don't worry, however as I haven't finished everything I will publish in pre-release, I hope you enjoy my work.
See you soon!
But you won't see anything on a demo, unless you don't have a good connection...
What would you like to see in a demo?
Maybe a video demo showing the basic features? I think people mostly would like to see something concrete to know they're not wasting their time waiting.

I'd personally be happy with a pre-release with basic features working. It'd give me the opportunity to start integrating and providing feedback / bug fixes.

When do you expect to publish a pre-release? Are you comfortable providing a rough estimate in weeks/months?
I'm doing steamwork compatibility (the AutoReconnection and HostMigration modules need to have a special steamworks version for example), that's the name of the project, but you think I should integrate it into a next version?
Which networking solutions will be included in pre-release? fishnet, mirror, which ones? Iv'e been following this project for so long i'm happy to hear its near ready! Ill buy it as soon as its ready
What do you mean they will be separate assets? Won't it be a single project with FishNet mirror and netcode all together? Could you give us some details of the structure so that we can prepare the project with the tools to use and once we have the asset you are working on, perform the integration more quickly?
What do you mean they will be separate assets? Won't it be a single project with FishNet mirror and netcode all together? Could you give us some details of the structure so that we can prepare the project with the tools to use and once we have the asset you are working on, perform the integration more quickly?
Of course this won't be a single project with the FishNet mirror and netcode combined, it's going to take some work to adapt everything and keep everything up to date.
How does this give you some details about the structure?
I created a universal NetworkInterestManager (InterestManagement for Mirror) and a universal NetworkSetupManager (NetworkManager for Mirror) that I have not finished optimizing and added everything I wanted but that will come later (Modules for content additional or even UnRegisterEvents for each method called).
I created a NetworkUtility where I had to adapt the basic Methods (like NetworkServer.Spawn for Mirror for example which manages the NetworkIdentity authority so if you are mounted on a horse which cannot belong to anyone when you disappear it will remain on the network) etc etc
I managed to make the NetworkObjectPool dynamic by taking into account the observers which are managed in the NetworkInterestManager so the data does not clutter the network by sending it to all clients but only to those and when it sees the Object.
I'm not even going to talk about Client-Side Prediction and Server Reconciliation which was so time consuming.. but it works very well even when you are riding a horse, for car driving it will happen later.
But I fell behind once again I was not well all week and this weekend ko technical, moreover the new version of Mirror is buggy on the StartHost and StopHost side because it does not register the client's callbacks at the time of the StartHost but it calls OnClientDisconnected from the (Kcp) Transport without "?" before the Invoke() which causes the StartHost again to be buggy locally but I remedied this to make the HostMigration work correctly.
See you soon for Ultimate Mirror Controller!
My personal opinion, and it seems everyone here is too embarrassed to say it, but it appears you've been misleading people for several months now, for some dubious hype. It's obvious that people were expecting support NGO or FishNet for UCC. Mirror is of little interest to anyone right now. All this looks like vaporware
My personal opinion, and it seems everyone here is too embarrassed to say it, but it appears you've been misleading people for several months now, for some dubious hype. It's obvious that people were expecting support NGO or FishNet for UCC. Mirror is of little interest to anyone right now. All this looks like vaporware
Initially it was a personal project for my game but it became an Assets project, and I don't want to disappoint anyone.I'm doing my best to make everyone who's waiting happy. It would suit me just to do Netcode as you say, but that's not possible, precisely so as not to mislead those who have been waiting for a long time. So stop denigrating my work, I try to do the best for everyone.
I honestly don't think anyone is trying to denigrate your work, it is true that you are postponing the work and you are not justifying anything or giving delivery or publication times of your asset, I think I speak for the majority when I tell you that we are truly interested in your integration but if it is going to take more than 1 month to publish your asset I think we prefer to create our own integration or pay someone to work more persistently on it, I also recommend that if you are going to do any work you publish all the data referring to this since otherwise the image of Opsive will be affected since they guarantee that you are in charge of this integration and therefore they must ensure that the promises you make are fulfilled. If you do not want to carry out the integration, you can say so and we will all stop bothering you, you would not be the first nor the last to carry out this type of actions or deception. I would appreciate and recommend that you publish a delivery date for the asset and also that you document the process you carry out and what remains to be done, that way I am sure that many developers will be able to help you in the process if you wish.
I am wishing @Pesadelo do Espantalho all the best in getting his integration published. New assets generally take around 2 months from the submission date so it will still be some time before the asset is live even if it is submitted tomorrow.

image of Opsive will be affected since they guarantee that you are in charge of this integration
This is a third party integration that I have no control over. I have updated some network interfaces to support the integration so I believe that once it is complete it should function well. With that said, I have not seen the project and cannot make any guarantees around it. It sounds like @Pesadelo do Espantalho is taking the right approach though.