Teleportation bug


New member

I found a bug when teleporting to distant areas, more than 5000f units away. For shorter distances the issue is barely noticable. I noticed, because I needed to teleport my character by Vector3(5000f, 0f, 0f) away to a secret area.

In order demostrate the problem, I teleport the character by 50000f units away to exaggerate the problem.

I took the scene "FirstPersonControllerDemo" with the latest version installed without modifying any of the code or animators. I removed everything apart from a few guns and 2 teleporters. Please see the attached video on how to reproduce the problem. I also attach the repro scene.

I believe that after the character is teleported, the main camera is going back and forth between the original location and the destination extremely fast. This should explain the flickering you see in the shadows and also the fact that the issue is not noticable in short distances. The arms and guns are shaking, because they are attached to the main camera.

Could you please help me resolve it?

I also happen to have a very old version of the FPC in my computer, so I tried with this and it seems to be an old bug (a year ago).

Thank you,
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This is a limitation within Unity. 5000 units is an extremely large distance with Unity's precision level so you can't go that far.
No it's not a Unity limitation. Unity supports large environments. I can send over an email to Unity to reply back to you that this statement is wrong. It's a bug from your side.
I could accept that it's a Unity bug, but not a Unity limitation. If you don't wish to investigate, then I will email them.
Here's a video of a jittering artifact at 2,000 units away from the origin:

And I've attached the demo scene for that. In this scene/video no character controller scripts are used, yet you still see the artifacts. Unity just doesn't have good support for large distances. Shadows go along with this (especially since the character controller doesn't change the shadow rendering in any way).


  • rotation.unitypackage
    3.2 KB · Views: 1
I didn't have this problem with the Standard Assets character controller, but I will email them to see what they say.
Make sure you include that Rotation Unity Package. It's a great independent repro package of the problem.