Single handed dominant items


New member
Hi there,

Is there a way to configure UCC to support a single handed, right hand in this case, dominant item, without aiming and using affecting the left hand/arm in any way?

My setup so far:

  • Custom UsableItem object applied to the item in question – this takes the place of any “shootable”, or “grenade” item scripts.
  • I have a custom animationId (100) which will trigger an animation in the Right Arm Layer, which will animate the right arm only, due to the mask, when the item is equipped.
However, the left arm is acting wonky when I use the equipped item, or aim with the equipped item. I have two questions.

  • How do I completely disable aim for just a single item. I have aimable items in my game, but the item in question does not aim. However, aiming does affect the animation of the character – perhaps due to IK?
  • When walking with the right hand only item equipped , the left arm will act as expected, swinging just like if no item were equipped. However, when using, or aiming the equipped right hand item, the left arm will go rigid and no longer animate as expected. When using (or aiming if I can’t get rid of aiming) I want the left arm to be ignored. Again, just for this one equipped item.

I can get the effect I want by setting the item in question to be a non-dominant item, however, then I lose any movement of the right arm while pitching, and I lose the cross-hairs, which I want.

Any thoughts?
Sounds like you want to use states, appending the weapon name in the aim ability and adding a preset to the ik component to disable ik. There is a video on the state system on opsibe's YouTube channel.