Set LookOffSet.X value of Zoom Presets


New member

How can I set the value of LookOffSet.X of Preset (ZoomThirdPersonCombatPreset) at runtime.

My problem is: .When I pressed Tab, the camera changes the position relative to player..left to right, right to left.
Like this...
2021-02-09 14_48_06-Window.png

To this...
2021-02-09 14_48_21-Window.png

But, when zooming, the camera always look at to the right side of player...
2021-02-09 14_48_38-Window.png

How can I change/set the value of LookOffSet.X property of preset (ZoomThirdPersonCombatPreset)?
...or load another preset at runtime...

Sorry my spelling..
Thx a lot
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You are unable to set the preset value at runtime, but you can set the property values by getting a reference to the ViewType:

Hi, Justin

Thx for support!

The code below change the lookOfSet value of CameraController. Works fine. Im using playmaker to call cameraTranslate method when Tab key is pressed.

2021-02-10 09_46_58-BOE_ProjecT - Test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.4.4f1 Persona...png

2021-02-10 09_58_27-BOE_ProjecT - Test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.4.4f1 Persona...png

public void setCameraController(CameraController cameraController) {
            this.cameraController = cameraController;
            this.viewType = this.cameraController.GetViewType<Combat>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < this.cameraController.ViewTypes.Length; i++) {
            //    Debug.Log(this.cameraController.ViewTypes[i].GetType());

        public void cameraTranslate() {
            if (this.cameraController == null) {
            Vector3 lookOfSet = this.viewType.LookOffset;
            lookOfSet.x *= -1f;
            this.viewType.LookOffset = lookOfSet;

But when Aim or zoom, the camera always translate to the same X position (0.25f) loaded of preset. I just need negativate or positivate this property.

2021-02-10 09_48_07-BOE_ProjecT - Test - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.4.4f1 Persona...png

What variable or property I need set the new value (*= -1)?

Sorry if Im not seem the solution...

Thx a lot
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If there is a preset value then that preset will override the values set by your code. If you are controlling it by code then you should not use the presets for that property.