ItemSetManager ItemType issue


New member
I can't work with this asset. everything is failing everytime. at every tutorial video that I follow. repeated 100 times.
There was so much bugs and other problems I can't remember them all. It can't even add a item in the item set manager when I add a item to the character. the baby first step is not even working, nothing is working in my opinion.

The asset was already too expensive for me, and can't get it to work normally. I want a refund now.

Its enough.
The Ultimate Character Controller is a large asset and while you can do some really cool things with it, there is a learning curve. Once you get over that learning curve you'll be able to accomplish a lot with it. To get started, if you can list the steps to reproduce or upload a video/scene with the issues that you are having I can help. The video tutorials are accurate but there are a lot of options so it's easy to accidentally select something else.

It can't even add a item in the item set manager when I add a item to the character
I started with a fresh project and created a character. I then added a new item in 2019.1 and the item was successfully added to the Item Set Manager. Here's a 1 minute and 30 second video showing a working new item in both first and third person perspective from a fresh character:
I swear I did this the last 1 hour 5 times today Unity 2019.1.0f2 (64-bit) the last version of UCC I will make my own video now with the same steps
Here it is its my first time I use this streamingWebsite.
Yesterday when I continue with setting up the assault Muzzle firepoint transforms... and adding bow, the bow was still visible right in to my face. it did not unequip. So then I checked the Item set manager how he is activating the items. I noticed then there is no assault in my item set manager. It slide my MYAssault in to it my self. make assault slot0. DId not work playing around with the item sets bow above or the assault above. did not work. Start again with fresh project, and yes! it is not adding the assaultrifle in my ISM. tried over and over again. Same problem.
Did the same thing with 2.1.4 now. I recorded, If you want to be uploaded I will do. But the result was the same.
Let me tell you how I do it with fresh projects. In the beginning I created Backups. Import take million years.

Just open unity 2019.1.0f2

Import UCC

Save Close

And copy the filedirectory somewhere in a bigger harddrive

my C partition(windows) is not that big, but fast. I use that when doing stuff like (unity... playing games) so When I want to make a new project I just copy my backup files in to my C drive and then open it with unity, unityhub. I just need to add the gamemanager UI layers etc.
Thank you. I was able to reproduce it because of your video. The problem relates to the ItemCollection not completely initializing when you don't first hit play after creating a new character. I have it fixed now so you don't need to first hit play in order for the item collection to initialize - I'll send you a PM with the new file.
Yes I tested without the script you send I pressed play after character creation and stopt. Its added in ISM yep. I hope you will fix this in the next update. I will save this scripts in my backupfolder to add it in every new project. actually did not test it yet.
Thank you. I was able to reproduce it because of your video. The problem relates to the ItemCollection not completely initializing when you don't first hit play after creating a new character. I have it fixed now so you don't need to first hit play in order for the item collection to initialize - I'll send you a PM with the new file.
finish my assault like normally everything is working. Then just added a bow. JUST ADDED NEW BOW LIKE IN VIDEO. result is not the same as yours. while you talk about the exit transition of the assault in the video after creation I have other problems. In Thirdperson there is no problem. No double weapon in game.
When you add the bow you should have to create a new first person item slot because the bow is parented to the left hand instead of the right. With the bow being the first item in the left hand you should have had to create that item slot instead of it already being created.

I just tried to recreate your scenario and the bow was equipped correctly in a first person view. I'm attaching the scene that you can compare against. The bow isn't positioned correctly and there are culling issues but this scene will at least show the hierarchy (requires Unity 2019.1).

Another option is to grab the bow pickup object from the demo scene and add that to your own scene. Because the bow is a runtime pickup you can quickly see the options that this pickup uses. From there you can compare your setup to the runtime pickup setup.
where in a video tutorial we a a example to create item slot? Because of all the tutorials the itemslot is created when you making the item. Check my second video AT 1:20 There you go. I add the left-hand in the itemparent.

You telling me things that isnt in the videos ? so whats to point to having this asset now.

pickup Item tutorial did already fail because you said just finish (AGAIN) the first person tutorial

Give me the video with the exact minute second where you show how to add itemslot? do you have?

I already tried MYSELF to add itemslots in the itempickupturorials by adding the leftOrrighthand and then hit "Add Itemslot"

I show you before in other posts, it did not work for my pickupitem.

in this post there is a video and at 2.33 you can see me adding left and right hand for the FPS

I dont know what you telling me everytime I ask you something
When you add the bow you should have to create a new first person item slot because the bow is parented to the left hand instead of the right
"I do, it even automaticly fills LEFT when Im in the thirdperson section" There is no other explanation then sliding the ORG-Hand-L and hit add Itemslot.

Here I have A complete video from beginning WITHOUT the assault perspective transforms, and bound transforms, reload atach clip firepoint muzzle blabla. I skipped that, just added the fpsassault transform and TPVassault transform.

where in a video tutorial we a a example to create item slot?
I talk about item slots at this time in the first person video: AT 1:20 There you go. I add the left-hand in the itemparent.
When I went through the same steps to add the bow I didn't have an item slot on the left hand. I'm not sure if it was because of some previous work that you did, but there shouldn't have been an item slot on the left hand if you are starting the bow from scratch.

Here I have A complete video from beginning WITHOUT the assault perspective transforms, and bound transforms, reload atach clip firepoint muzzle blabla. I skipped that, just added the fpsassault transform and TPVassault transform.
That looks better in that the item slot hasn't already been added to the left hand. I'm not sure why both items are appearing though. Can you attach your scene?

Also, have you ran the scene that I uploaded to see if that works?
That looks better in that the item slot hasn't already been added to the left hand
hasn't already? the Item Slot gets added just when you are creating the item EXACLY AT clicking "add itemslot"

I mean you use the word "already"...
previously we create a assault. why would he create a LeftItemSlot when creating RightItemSlot for the assault.

Im Exporting the Scene now but... is that not going to be bigfile. its gonna take some time I think

Or do I need to make Nolan a Prefab, then export that prefab

right now I export the SampleScene
previously we create a assault. why would he create a LeftItemSlot when creating RightItemSlot for the assault.
That's correct - there's no need for a left hand item slot when you just have the assault rifle.

Does the scene that I uploaded work? You only need to send me the unity3d scene file since I have all of the assets.
1: so when is the lefthandslot need to be alREADY, at what moment?

2: scene that you send works yes. it switches and there is no double item in front of the camera.
The left hand item slot will only exist if you have already added an item to it, such as the bow.

I got your scene file (no need to include the UCC files - I already have those ) and found the problem. Under your character's rig for both the first person and third person character you have the entire item component structure. The Item component should only exist under Nolan/Items/NOWTHEBOW. This was creating the duplicate bows.

I also think that I see where you went wrong. Within this video at time 5:10 you should be selecting the bow's FBX, not the prefab for the visible item. You'll want to ensure that you set the FBX for both first and third person.
The problem was that I choose for the prefab. Because it has already the materials on it. Changing to FBX fixed. It was not clearly for me in the videos which file you choose.

Under your character's rig for both the first person and third person character you have the entire item component structure.

What is a Item component structure. What I see is just ... you know.. the normal thing that we need, empty gameobject and the Item-Childobjects (clip, scope)


Fire Point
Muzzle Flash
Shell Eject Point

The Item component should only exist under Nolan/Items/NOWTHEBOW. This was creating the duplicate bows.

The duplicate bows is fixed just by changing it to FBX file. I am confused o_O

PS: In video: Shootable Weapon Setup (Assault Rifle, Bow)
At 13:15
You set the state name to "Bow"
Reason when bow item set get activated, this state will get also activated. This state is used in couple of places, for example under the characterIK Component.
In the video there is full of states in Character IK (Script) Ride,Bow,2,5D......... I did this tutorial maybe 10 times, it was always empty.
Is it because you use old version, and it got updated?
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The duplicate bows is fixed just by changing it to FBX file. I am confused
It was fixed because the prefab that you had selected contained the item component. The item component thought that it was a runtime pickup so it then spawned itself. Basically for the visible object make sure you always select the model itself.

Is it because you use old version, and it got updated?
That video was using the demo scene character which has those states setup.