How to add more agents to a follow-leader task?


New member
I have been struggling with this group/leader feature, I'm trying to make them follow the player character but I can't find a way to make the "follow leader" task work properly. I'm trying to collide with units and when they do collide they are added to the followeers list of characters. how can I add agents to the group dynamically?
The Leader is a SharedGameObject so you can assign it using the SharedVariable system:

The only requirement from the task is that it is not active when you reassign the leader object.
The Leader is a SharedGameObject so you can assign it using the SharedVariable system:

The only requirement from the task is that it is not active when you reassign the leader object.
ok but does it makes any instance using the behavior of a group of that leader? I'm trying to use the "space between agents" on the follow task. but I can't add the to the group so it makes math to spread the units around. right now what I can do is to put a reference for itself in the agent value 1 so the units became its own group, that kinda break the positioning