How do I reference my own classes within Opsive's scripts

Hi, dev, i'm trying to implement some features where i need to make modifications to the opsive scripts. But it seems I can't reference any of classes written by myself.

For example, I wanna make a new ability which needs to communicate with my own manager class. How would I implement that?

Could you share a snippet of where and how you're trying to achieve this? You're sub-classing some Opsive script, right? How are you attempting to reference/access your own manager? Are you getting any errors? Does your manager class exist in a separate namespace that you're not importing?
Sorry, I'm currently away from desktop. But I just have a new class which inherits Ability class. And within this class I'm trying to call some singleton Manager classes that I wrote for the project. The manager classes do not have namespaces. The compiler would throw errors saying the type or namespace could not be found.
I'll share a snippet later if necessary.
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