How can I get namespaces from my scripts in UltimateChararacterController?


New member
Hello everyone, I am trying to extend some Opsive Classes through partial Classes in order to add new functionalities, but it does not detect these additional scripts even though I have put the namespaces and the same name of the partial class. I have also tried adding it directly in the Opsive script, but it does not detect the namespaces that I have created on my own. Why does this happen? What am I missing?
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It sounds like you need to setup reference the assembly definitions. Take a look at this page:

It sounds like you need to setup reference the assembly definitions. Take a look at this page:

Yes, but it tells me that it generates a circular dependency or similar.
You should structure your project in a way that your own scripts just reference the character controller's assembly definition. The character controller assembly definition should not reference your scripts assembly definition.