Excessive camera bob when sprinting


Is there some way to decrease the amount of camera bob when sprinting? It feels excessive for some reason. See this recording:

Any tips?

We're using the same movement animations that comes in your demo scene but we've slowed down our character acceleration to 0.07 to get the right feel for our game. Sprint speed multiplies that up to about 3x.
Yes - you can use the state system to change the bob amount on the First Person View Type:

@Justin Thanks for the quick reply. I played with the bob values and set them all to zero in real-time but it didn't seem to have an effect.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I thought the camera is tied to the head position of the character and the run animation does bob the head up and done quite a bit so the camera going up and down is unavoidable? Or does the bob settings prevent that?
The camera is tied to the full body head, but you can change this by adjusting the Smooth Head Offset Steps parameter. This page has some more info:

@Justin Hm, yeah. I did try adjusting that parameter without being able to see much difference. I will toy around with it a bit more and see if I can't figure out what's going on here.