Recent content by lindalabuschagne

  1. L

    Remove item at runtime

    Sorry I'm not clear. I want to achieve this: when there are no bullets left, the weapon must be unequipped and the player must not be able to equip the weapon. And then in the game the player must be able to pick up a weapon (basically just bullets, but it must look like he picks up a gun), have...
  2. L

    Remove item at runtime

    Please could you advise me on removing an item at runtime. When the bullets for the assault rifle is 0 I want to remove the assault rifle completely and only add it again when the player picks up another assault rifle. Do I simply use the Destroy method on the game objects associated with the...
  3. L

    Change model of third person controller

    Thanks. Since I'm only going to be using this once or twice I am simply going to hide/unhide a mesh component, but thanks for the asset recommendation. I downloaded it and will check it out.
  4. L

    Change model of third person controller

    Hi I need some help, and I don't know if it is even possible. I would like to change the model of the third person controller during game play - for instance the character picked up an item and is now wearing clothes or the colour of his clothes changed when walking through something. I have no...
  5. L

    Third Person Item Setup

    I started a new project with a new scene. I followed the steps exactly, with the exception of the new item type creation - I used the default assault rifle. Now the gun shows up and I adjusted the position. But now its not shooting. In the item manager window it asks for first person info, with...
  6. L

    Third Person Item Setup

    I have a similar issue. I am completely new to Unity and The Ultimate Character Controller. I try to add only a Third Person Character to the scene. I follow all the steps as per the videos. I select the correct collection in the Item Set Manager component of the player character. The checkbox...