Recent content by krides

  1. K

    Retrying failed tasks?

    But that's actually what is confusing me about it – even in the video, it says that if there's a conditional abort on a higher-priority branch (which I have), it will keep re-evaluating the condition every frame. In my experience, that appears to only be the case with the first condition under a...
  2. K

    Retrying failed tasks?

    Hi! I'm having a very strange issue with the tool – and I am clearly misunderstanding something very fundamental here. See screenshot below: Frequently, the Run Environment Query task will fail. At that point, the selector will switch to the Parallel branch you see on the right. However, it...
  3. K

    [BUG] Velocity does not calculate properly with A*Path Seek Task

    For anyone searching for a solution to this problem: I just wanted to confirm that I had this exact problem in 2021, and also solved it by commenting out agent.canMove = true and agent.canMove = false.
  4. K

    Decorator update

    What is the recommended way of doing things like this then? I'm just trying to have something execute at the same time as something else, but it's not a behavior, just some evaluation. In other implementations of Behavior Tree, this is what a Service or Decorator would be used for (e.g. UE4)...
  5. K

    Decorator update

    I would like to have a decorator update every frame – at the same frequency as the task it's decorating. But it looks like the Decorate function only updates when the child finishes execution, and OnUpdate isn't called on the decorator at all. What is the right way to do this? namespace...
  6. K

    Dynamic Variables - Usage Examples

    Thank you! Will this be included in the next release of the plugin?
  7. K

    Dynamic Variables - Usage Examples

    Sorry – I don't think I understand. What do you mean by "regular SharedVariable?" Something that isn't SharedVector3?
  8. K

    Dynamic Variables - Usage Examples

    Hi! Yes, this is exactly how I'm doing it (I wasn't at first, but then I read that post and changed it). Here's my full code for RunEnvironmentQuery: using UnityEngine; using BehaviorDesigner.Runtime; using BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks; public class RunEnvironmentQuery : Action { public...
  9. K

    Reference parent object/component

    Hi! It looks like, I had two missing pieces: 1. I hadn't realized that I could create my own Shared types (which I now did for Environment Query). This way, I don't have to cast it from SharedObject and can reference it directly. 2. I was using an external behavior tree, and it seems like...
  10. K

    Dynamic Variables - Usage Examples

    Hi! I just found this thread because I was having the exact same issue. However, now that I'm setting the variable by using .Value, it's still 0,0,0 in the second node instead of the value it should be. Those are both the same dynamic variable:
  11. K

    Reference parent object/component

    Hi! I'm new to Behavior Designer, so I'm sorry if my question is a bit dumb or naive, but this is the first stumbling block I encountered. I am writing a new task for my behavior tree, and I would like to use a generalized system (currently it's just a component on the gameobject the behavior...