Retrying failed tasks?


New member
Hi! I'm having a very strange issue with the tool – and I am clearly misunderstanding something very fundamental here. See screenshot below:
Frequently, the Run Environment Query task will fail. At that point, the selector will switch to the Parallel branch you see on the right.

However, it appears that after a node has failed like that, the tree will never try to execute the Sequence on the left again. I've also had this happen with all kinds of other nodes – movement nodes, conditional nodes, etc.

I would really like for it to keep trying to execute higher-priority branches if all the conditions are met. How can I achieve this?
Unless your tree has completely stopped the higher priority tasks will be rerun. There is a basic example of it in this video:

The left can see task returns failure and it'll be retried for as long as idle is active.
But that's actually what is confusing me about it – even in the video, it says that if there's a conditional abort on a higher-priority branch (which I have), it will keep re-evaluating the condition every frame. In my experience, that appears to only be the case with the first condition under a selector, but not the additional ones. Is that a bug, or is that working as intended?
It will work with multiple conditions under a selector, a good example of a more complex behavior tree that uses this is this video:

The conditional aborts will only stop reevaluating if the tree has stopped or if they go out of scope through the (Self, Lower) priority system.