Version 1.2.11 of the Ultimate Inventory System is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store. Ensure you update by following the Version 1.2 Update Guide if you are coming from a version prior to version 1.2.

This version contains the following:

  • Updated the shared folder for compatibility with version 2 and 3 of the Ultimate Character Controller. The version 3 integration will be released soon 🙂
  • Inventory Grids can now share the same index if their Inventory and Grid ID match.
  • Added an IActionWithSlotContainer interface allowing an ItemAction to know the container and SlotIndex from which it was called.
  • Added a Inventory Split in Multiple Item Shape Grid feature scene and fixed issues with the Item shape Grid.
  • Improved the Save And Load feature scene.
  • Fixed the save system from causing mutable items to be scrambled upon loading a save after rebuilding the game.
  • Fixed the display panel closing and opening the previous panel when it was already closed.