Version 3.1.2 of the Ultimate Character Controller is making its way to the Opsive Store and the Asset Store. If you are upgrading from version 2 be sure to read the version 3 migration guide.

Version 3.1.1 changed the Shared.Runtime structure. If you are importing a version prior to 3.1.1 ensure you have first removed the Opsive/Shared and Opsive/UltimateCharacterController folder (remember to backup!).

This version contains the following changes:

  • Added a boolean in the Projectile script for choosing what layers to use.
  • LocalLookSource will now use the Model Manager if it’s available.
  • Repeater Trigger will keep the use animation enabled for as long as the input is held.
  • Fixed single frame delay when setting the IK target.
  • Fixed aim ability from being stopped when it shouldn’t while still in a first person view.
  • Improved slope limit check.
  • Fixed character animation from becoming desyncronized with horse animation when holding shift.
  • Fixed items from being used when they shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed speed change from not normalizing the input values correctly.
  • Fixed ItemTypeManager from reloading and losing the scroll position.
  • Fixed the correct AbilityStopper from not being checked.
  • Fixed Scheduler from scheduling multiple of the same event when the delay is 0.
  • Fixed pickup from hiding the item when it shouldn’t be hidden.
  • Execute AnimationEventTrigger timer events within Update instead of FixedUpdate.
  • Fixed Drop exception when dropping multiple of the same items.
  • Fixed ActivateStates module from activating the state when an item is equipped and While Equipped is false.