What integration do I need?


New member
Hello, I have a problem/ question. I started building a game with the third person controller. Now I wanted to add a First person controller to the game. Kids told me that would be cooler haha. So I bought the FPS controller to. Buttttt after install I get a whole list of errors. I think it has to do with the integration for TPS and inventory manager? I have to change something if I want to use both the controllers? I tried to import the intergration package for the FPS controller bu then it said that the package was already imported
The integration package should be the exact same for all controllers.
Importing TPC and FPC is should be the exact same as importing UCC.

The order you import the packages might be important though.
1) TPC and FPC.
2) UIS
3) UIS/Character Integration

If you continue having compilation errors, try restarting Unity. If it continues then please let us know