Using the UIS with BD enemies?

I have a question or two about the approach to enemy agents and their inventory.

I can set up an enemy character using the UCC 3, then use BD to control the enemy character, and everything works fine.
But when I run the enemy character through the UIS integration, I get a warning and two errors that deal with duplicate keys and Item Slot Sets.

I like the ease of item extension when using the UIS, but is it overkill for enemy agents?
I don't think it is overkill for enemy characters.

For the warning/errors, I believe they might be related to the InventoryIdentifier component. This is a component that need a unique id to identify the Inventory from anywhere in the code. Usually used for the main character(s).
So simply removing that component from the enemy character should do the trick.

For the ItemSlotSets, I would need to have a further look at your error message. My guess is that it is missing. You'll need to create one that can be shared with all the enemies (or at least all the enemies of a certain type)
Oh, the InventoryIdentifier component solved all of the issues. I just gave the the enemies a unique ID, or removed the component.