UFPS Demo - Going forward


New member
I'm spent the last 6 months or so playing around with the Ultimate First Person Controller's Demo scene testing it out with various other assets for compatibility. I'm at the point now where I would like to start my own project that I would like to commercialize one day in the future.

I'm just want to be sure going forward. Do you have to start a new project from scratch just and important the controller and your own assets or can you use the UFPC demo scene as a template as most game mechanics are already functioning? I would like to modify and replace assets (character, weapons, etc...) to fit my game design.
What are the limits to the use of this asset?

Thank you,
From a license perspective you can use any of the assets in a commercial game, including the demo scene. Now that you have a base of how the controller works I would personally recommend starting with a new scene though just to ensure you know exactly what is going on at every step of the way.