Trouble with Stopping Distance being inconsistent.


New member
Hello. I recently got your Behavior Tree package, alongside its Movement based one, and I quite like it. however, I am struggling on a specific issue where the stopping distance seems to work inconsistently. When I attempt to set it to a specific distance, lets say 5 units away from the target object, it will simply still go right next to it. In order to get it that 5 units away I have to type in a value of 20. but if I go above 25 it ceases to move completely because its already in that range. The stopping distance on the navmesh itself is at 1, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. do you guys have any advice?
There are two 'stopping' fields:

- The Stopping Distance on the NavMeshAgent
- The Arrived Distance on the task.

At first I thought that you were talking about the first, but then you mention the stopping distance on the NavMeshAgent in the last sentence so I'm not sure which field you are referring to. Are you modifying the Arrived Distance on the task?
There are two 'stopping' fields:

- The Stopping Distance on the NavMeshAgent
- The Arrived Distance on the task.

At first I thought that you were talking about the first, but then you mention the stopping distance on the NavMeshAgent in the last sentence so I'm not sure which field you are referring to. Are you modifying the Arrived Distance on the task?
The NavMeshAgents stopping distance is set to 1, while the Arrived Distance is the value I am trying to tweek. Apologies for the confusion.
There are two 'stopping' fields:

- The Stopping Distance on the NavMeshAgent
- The Arrived Distance on the task.

At first I thought that you were talking about the first, but then you mention the stopping distance on the NavMeshAgent in the last sentence so I'm not sure which field you are referring to. Are you modifying the Arrived Distance on the task?
Upon further tweaking, I found out that my problem was I set the speed of the character so high that it would reach my desired point, but would then overshoot it because of how fast it was going. apologies for bothering you guys.