Trouble with cinemachine


New member
Before I get into the issue, allow me to explain what exactly I'm trying to do:
I have an interactive in-game screen, when pressing E on this screen, I want the character to stop all manual movement, and move to this screen (But moving the camera to it works as well). My intentions were to use the cinemachine extension to animate this movement.
Now for the issue:
I can't properly change to the cinemachine perspective. On run, the view is set to the cinemachine vcam, even though I have the first person view selected. Selecting the first person view again fixes this, but then I can't switch to the cinemachine view, and I get an error about object references.
I'll keep playing around with it and update this as I figure things out, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you just want to move the character, then you should not use Cinemachine, as this is for handling different cameras. You can use the MoveTowardsLocation instead: