Trouble with BD Move Commands


New member
BD Wander is updating the Nav Agent Speed, and the Nav Agent is trying to travel at that speed. It pulls away from the character and then snaps back to the character's position before pulling away again.

This speed does not affect how fast the character is traveling. Whatever you set speed of Wander or Seek too, it travels at the same speed.

MoveTowards, Destination, and Move did not move the character; he starts the move animation and stays in that frame, not moving.

The Animator Apply Root Motion says it is handled by script. What Script?

I can see in the editor that WalkFwd, for the Demo UCC controller is active.

Where do I send this data to?
I'm using UCC, BD, and UIS (obviously the last one is irrelevant)

UCC UCLocomotion has m_SpeeParameterOverride.

Obviously I'm going to try this, and maybe just make a BD action that calls Wander and sets speed to Nav Agent Speed or something...

If that is the answer then this is solved, but is this the answer?

If it is, seems a good inclusion in the UCC Integration for BD (well, maybe you have people using custom controllers to which it is irrelevant, I suppose, but making a good guess, Demo locomotion is pretty good....).

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If you are using root motion the animations control the speed rather than the NavMeshAgent speed. For non root motion characters the speed is determined by the motor acceleration/dampening values.

Move Towards/Move doesn't work because the character controller is updating the transform values and it will overwrite any values set by those tasks.