Skybox issue with Gaia Pro / Procedural Worlds Sky, anyone tried it?


New member

I am working with Gaia Pro and created a nice terrain to walk around in. It works great but I have one issue... Using Gaia's "Procedural Worlds Sky" it looks weird when i use an Opsive character (UCC, trying with Nolan for now).

To give an example, in Gaia if I use their built-in Camera/First person controller the sky looks like this:

But when using Nolan it looks weird... I am using the "Custom" character component and I am sure this has something to do with the Camera setup but I'm new to Unity... wondering if anyone's seen something similar and knows what I might play with to fix it :)

with UCC:

I'm not familiar with how Gaia generates its skyboxes, but I would take a look at:

- Clipping planes on the camera: see if the "far" value needs to be increased
- Culling mask: if for some reason your camera is using a culling mask and gaia's skybox is an actual texture in the world (doubt it), check that culling mask
Thanks I'll try that. It 'seems' like this might be related to having two cameras. Gaia has some scripts where you need to assign a camera and I think this might be happening because I can't assign both cameras.