Single Melee Attack


New member

I have a single melee attack animation and whenever user clicks attack button I want to stop if previous attack animation is executing and execute it again. I couldn't find such example in opsive and now I am confused what is the correct way to implement it. Also the strange thing is I noticed is Slot0ItemStateIndex stays 2 a little while even after attack animation finishes and it causes weird animation behaviors.
The system needs to know when an ability starts and ends to keep a controlled state. For this you can either use animation events or a fixed time to end the use ability. When the ability stops, the corresponding animator parameters are set to trigger transitions. When you interrupt a use ability before the animation event, or the fixed use time is up, you will end up in an undefined state.
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Yeah I debugged code and found out that in my case I needed to specify stop use ability delay in melee weapon component. Now it's fixed