Sidescroller 2.5


New member
Im trying to set upp the Pseudo 3D in a correct way, but im failing.
I have set upp a Path and Look in move direction.
My character moves along the path but it is easy to get him to leave the path. I want him to be restricted along the z-axis.
Also he walks backwards, and when I jump he flips 180 degree an walkes backwards.
Any help appreciated.

I found how to stop him from moving in z axis.
Remove root motion and set motor rotation to 100

I still havent found why he walks backwards.
After testign a bit i found that it woks if i disable path. and if i have path on i have to chande camera settins to Z1 from -1
I have setup a Pseudo 3D and a path. I have a problem my character slides of the path. If i walk back and forth a corner he slides of the path an extra bit every time.
Anyoen know what i can do about this?
Image shows how it looks after walking back and forth 3 times.
Merging these threads since I think they are related. You can use root motion but if you add the Restrict Position/Rotation ability it should help. Take a look at the demo scene for the values that we used for Nolan. which also contains a path with a curve.
Merging these threads since I think they are related. You can use root motion but if you add the Restrict Position/Rotation ability it should help. Take a look at the demo scene for the values that we used for Nolan. which also contains a path with a curve.
I tried with restrict but then he can only walk in a strait line, even if he turns he do it on the same z-position.
I have also tried to copy the demo scens values. but it dont work.