Shootable Weapon Script bug?

Thanks for the heads up. I was able to reproduce it and will have it fixed for the next version.
Thanks for the heads up. I was able to reproduce it and will have it fixed for the next version.
There's another sound bug. In the Sniper section the clip out & Reload Complete doesn't work. Also, there should be an additional sound array for moving-the-bolt-back /cocking. (And I think the bolt should be on the right side of the gun- but I can invert my model)
Which sniper section are you referring to?
Sorry, in the Shootable Weapon Script with a weapon using the Sniper animations there is no option for a sound for pulling the bolt back and releasing it. There should be a clip-in, clip-out and reload complete sound arrays.
I didn't hear a the clip out sound before but that was because the shot I was using was too loud.
There should be a clip-in, clip-out and reload complete sound arrays.
You can do the clip in and out within the Reload Animator Audio State Set. In your audio file you'd have a silence for the duration that it takes to reload.