Shake effect not stopped with CharacterHealth


Active member

I have added a shake effect to the "Damaged Effect" slot of the character health component. The effect is defined in the effects section of the CharacterLodomotion component. In case of a damage, the correct effect is played, but it is not stopped, so it is constantly active. So if another damage occurs, the effect is not played again, as the first is still active. For the boss stomp this issue does not occur.

Thanks, Christian
The demo's Shake effect has a duration of 7 seconds - are you sure it's not just lasting longer than expected? Try reducing its duration to a lower value like 1 second
Yes, the demo scene has the same problem. If you enter the shake pad, the shake is enabled through setting a state (It's disabled by default). As long as you stay on the pad, the shake effect is active (check the effect section of Nolan), even it is long over. Only if you are leaving the pad/trigger the shake effect is disabled, and thus stopped.
Thanks for the report - it looks like an execution order problem. Within UltimateCharacterLocomotion.Awake you'll want to change the deserialization order to:
