Setup weapon Holster Id dependent on equipment slot


By equipping different weapons, the holster id of the weapon needs to change in run time. That Holster Id dependent on the Equipment slot. Each Equipment slot has a different Holster Id.
And also Holster Id is inaccessible from the “third-person perspective item” Script.
How to set up item Action to Change Holster Id when equipped.
That's right, the HolsterID cannot be changed.
But you could change the "HolsterTarget" transform directly.

There is nothing built-in for your use case, but you could have a custom component that listens to items being added to the EquipppableItemCollections. Then you can switch out the HolsterTarget on the ThirdPersonPerspectiveItem depending on which slot it was added to.
To force it to update you may have to call the "SetActive" function on the ThirdPersonPerspectiveItem.

Let me know if you have any issues with that.