"Seek" behavior changes destination and stops.

The butterfly is set to seek the flower position in the behavior:
The "flower position" is set in the inspector and it will begin to seek for maybe three seconds, but then it will stop at this position:
I put a debugger in the code and it’s seeing the destination as this point, which is different than what was set:
I stopped it on a breakpoint after just a second of seeking and saw these values:

It looks like the path is still pending, but the destination is set correctly. Then at some point the destination is mysteriously set to that different vector3.

The nav mesh is generated and looks fine:
Once it stops at the position shown above, if I manually change any of it’s transform positions even a little bit, then it will properly seek out the desired destination.

I have no idea what is going on.
As a test if you create a new scene and just have the Seek task with the shared variable does it work correctly? My guess is that something else is inadvertently setting the destination that is outside of the behavior tree. You can also debug if it is the behavior tree setting the destination by setting a breakpoint within NavMeshMovement.SetDestination.