RPG Schema, "Scene Drop Action Item View Slot" active when game starts


Active member

This is just an FYI for anyone else that may run into this problem.

I am using the RPG UI Schema. Since the upgrade to 1.1.7, the ItemViewSlotDropHandlerBinding.Awake runs before the ItemViewDropHandler.Awake. When this happens, the events on the dropHandlerSlotCurorManager are not registered, because this is still Null. I believe the ItemViewDropHandler.Awake should run first to initialise this property.

These scripts are not in the projects script execution order for the previous or current version of UIS. Adding them just after the Default Time, with the ItemViewDropHandler running first, fixes this issue.
Thank you for letting us know, I've added a "m_DropHandler.Initialize();" within the ItemViewSlotDropHandlerBinding Awake function instead of changing the execution order.