Randomized Health/Damage/ETC


New member
I've been going through UCC for the past week and have put together a basic prototype. One thing I've found lacking is variety with some of the variables. I've been watching all the videos and have dug through the scripts to see if I could randomize different things out of the box.

Examples are health, damage, and Spawned Objects On Death.

Out of the box, are there ways to allow a random number between min/max set to mix things up a bit. Like Health min/max of 80 and 100. At runtime, a number between 80 and 100 is chosen for health. Also with damage on weapons. A slight variance in damage with the same kind of setup/results per use on the weapon.

With the Spawned Object on Death. Is there a way to possibly have an array of objects to be dropped and chosen from with a set 'weight' of probability?
Out of the box, no. It'd be pretty simple to create this feature, though - e.g. on game start, adjust the character's health by a random value. And again a similar idea for spawning an object on death (there's even an "OnDeath" event you could register to if you need to have a custom script do this behaviour).